Mom, love you and thinking of you again while here in Mexico. This time I am glad you are not here as we prepare for a hurricane. Swam in the ocean and walked on the beach reflecting on all the amazing things you taught me. Today I will think of others first, I will be prepared and I will trust in God to meet everyone of my needs and those around me. Thank you for demonstrating Christ's love.
Your daughter Deborah/Debbie
22nd October 2022
Every season I smile more and cry less with a memory of mom. I am grateful to have had so many years with this woman who loved me unconditionally and demonstrated that love until the end of her life to all she knew. I believe you watch over us and help us to feel that same love daily.
23rd October 2018
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mom was special, and she made me feel special the handful of times I was around her. Seeing her and Cindy at Crossroads, well after high school, I came to understand the source of her kindness, her faith in Jesus. I feel blessed to have known her, and all of you. Your friend, Garth Weber
12th November 2014